Tiempo de Vals
(Waltz Time)
(Waltz Time)
Este libro es un ensayo fotográfico que retrata una visión de un mundo masculino pocas veces documentado, que captura momentos íntimos ya veces tormentosos de los prostitutos y sus clientes masculinos en el centro de Santiago de Chile. La industria del sexo es una de las más antiguas del mundo, sin embargo, en nuestra sociedad tratamos de mantener esta realidad fuera de la vista. Estas imágenes fueron tomadas dentro de las habitaciones del motel antes y después de tener relaciones sexuales con sus clientes. Las imágenes descubren huellas de la condición humana y sus sentimientos intangibles. Personalmente trato de ofrecer un enfoque reflexivo sobre el tema y estas personas desatendidas por la sociedad.
This book is a photographic essay that portrays a vision of a masculine world that is rarely documented, one that captures intimate and sometimes stormy moments of male prostitutes and their male clients in the center of Santiago, Chile. The sex industry is one of the oldest in the world, however, in our society we try to keep this reality out of sight. These images were take inside motel rooms before and after they had sex with their clients. The images uncover traces of the human condition and its intangible feelings. I personally try to offer a thoughtful approach on the subject and these neglected people by society.
This book is a photographic essay that portrays a vision of a masculine world that is rarely documented, one that captures intimate and sometimes stormy moments of male prostitutes and their male clients in the center of Santiago, Chile. The sex industry is one of the oldest in the world, however, in our society we try to keep this reality out of sight. These images were take inside motel rooms before and after they had sex with their clients. The images uncover traces of the human condition and its intangible feelings. I personally try to offer a thoughtful approach on the subject and these neglected people by society.

“Lo que la mente olvida, las cicatrices siguen recordando”
(Scars keep remembering what the mind forgets)
(Scars keep remembering what the mind forgets)
El proyecto surge a raíz del viaje interior de auto reconocimiento que realiza Valentina con el fin de entender las causas de su alopecia areata (pérdida repentina del cabello) y acercarse a un proceso de sanación. Esta exploración la lleva a indagar y enfrentar traumas que vivió en su niñez, así́ como situaciones que la marcaron y dejaron cicatrices en su psique; heridas que no están sanadas del todo. Estos recuerdos que atormentan su adultez se transforman en piedras angulares a la hora de encaminar su proceso de sanación.
En este trayecto, se reencuentra con su niña interior y con los complejos eventos que vivió́ en su infancia; el ataque de un perro que devora sus piernas y un intento de suicidio en la adolescencia. Durante esta exploración reconoce a su animal de poder; el caballo, con quien comienza a cabalgar hacia lo más íntimo de su ser y quien la escolta en su transcurso de sanación.
The project arises as a result of Valentina's inner journey of self-recognition in order to understand the causes of her alopecia areata (sudden hair loss) and her healing process. This exploration leads her to investigate and face traumas that she experienced in her childhood, as well as situations that marked her and left scars on her psyche; Wounds that are not fully healed. These memories that haunt her adulthood become cornerstones when it comes to directing her healing process.
In this journey, she rediscovers her inner child and the complex events that she experienced in her childhood; the attack of a dog that devours her legs and a suicide attempt in her adolescence. During this searching she recognizes her power animal; the horse, with whom she begins to ride towards the most intimate of her being and who escorts her in her healin process.

“El Cuervo”
(The black crow)
(The black crow)
La obra “El cuervo” nos lleva a reconfigurar un diálogo entre el paisaje bullicioso, cotidiano y aparentemente común de una playa de Chennai, India hacia un recorrido de retratos silenciosos en un espacio que parece ser ficticio y poético dónde el paso del tiempo es el único medio que permite el vuelo de quien visita este territorio.
"The black crow" leads us to reconfigure a dialogue between a common beach landscape of bustling everyday Chennai, India towards a silent route of portraits in a space that seems to be fictional and poetic, where the passage of time is the only means that allows the flight of those who visit this territory.
"The black crow" leads us to reconfigure a dialogue between a common beach landscape of bustling everyday Chennai, India towards a silent route of portraits in a space that seems to be fictional and poetic, where the passage of time is the only means that allows the flight of those who visit this territory.